Obtaining a Pro-Membership will provide you affiliation with NHCPR allowing application for EMS licensure through the State of New Hampshire.  Some of the reasons to use our service:

  • You are a new EMT and want to obtain licensure before job hunting to increase your potential hireability.

  • You are a current EMT who wants continued licensure in the case of a break in affiliation with a licensed EMS service.  A break in affiliation would require you to reapply for an NH license using the current process causing delays in re-licensure.

  • You are a lapsed NREMT EMT who is attempting NREMT recertification through their re-entry process and need a psychomotor exam.

  • You are an EMT who is trying to obtain licensure in another state that requires a current provider license to complete the process.

Pro-Membership Cost: Setup Fee: $99.99 followed by a monthly fee of $9.99.  This is a subscription service, and your credit card will be charged monthly. Subscription cancellation or declined credit cards would terminate affiliation with NHCPR.   Affiliation with an EMS service is a requirement for NH licensure.

NH Licensed Discount:  New members that are already an NH Licensed EMS Provider may use the discount code "STATE" to reduce your setup fee to $39.99.

Membership Benefits:  Affiliation with NHCPR, a licensed EMS service for the purpose of the NH Bureau of EMS licensure.  A monthly fee will maintain EMS service affiliation for license purposes.  Discounts on CPR classes and refresher/NCCP classes.

Pro-Member Enrollment Form